Emily Diane Cockerham entered this world and our lives on January 2nd 1979. Being three months premature, it was a very scary time for all of us but we were hopeful. At 4 lbs.7 oz.she was quite large for a six-month birth. The doctors were encouraging, stating we would be able to take her home after her weight reached 5 lbs but during her first week of life she had a massive brain hemorrhage, which left her with hydrocephalus. Due to more complications she was unable to have surgery to place a shunt for more than a month.

When the neurosurgeon was finally able to do surgery, the prognosis was grim. The damage to the brain was severe. We were told she would never be more than a vegetable, never knowing who we were or where she was. The advice of these knowledgeable men was to put her in an institution. I looked at my beautiful little girl and knew in my heart that God had a plan for her and through her she would work a miracle in our family.

The years that have followed since then have been hard at times but very rewarding. God used this frail little girl to turn her parent’s hearts toward the Lord, which led to her Daddy being called to serve in the the gospel ministry. Her Mother went to college to become a social worker to help others as well. Her sisters Sharon Cockerham Dufour and Barbara Cockerham have grown into beautiful, caring young women.

Although these days Emily may not be able to walk and talk, she can sure let you know what she wants. She has a warm, sweet smile with an infectious laugh that can light up a room. She can give you a kiss and a big bear hug that lets you know you are very loved. In other words she brings love to everyone around her. We have been truly blessed.